Why Epoxy Flooring
An industrial concern is making a substantial investment when it decides to resurface an older concrete floor with epoxy. In addition to making the space where it is applied more productive by remedying cracks, gouges, and scrapes with a durable and long-lasting epoxy floor, you get some significant side benefits.
Long Life at a Reasonable Cost
When the concrete floors in industrial locations began to be rutty and hard to navigate, it’s a good bet that something needs to get done. Completely tearing out and replacing a concrete floor is a very expensive and time-consuming process. The cost and loss of work time is enormous, so resurfacing with epoxy floor coating may be a cost- effective solution.
The good news is that epoxy coating the floors is an excellent solution and, compared to tearing out and replacing all the concrete, it’s a bargain. It’s durable enough to deal with all the “moving parts” that occur in an industrial setting. Epoxy is resilient enough to deal with pallets, sliding boxes, forklifts, and foot traffic – plus more.
One of the other benefits is that it can help to create a safer workplace because it provides good traction with the addition of slip resistance – much better than plain cement – so employees are at a greatly reduced risk from slips and falls – which not only disrupts your business but can also cause valuable employees to become injured and set the stage for workers’ comp claims.
The clean attractive appearance of epoxy/resinous coatings also make it easier to organize and maintain a revived, new look, which usually makes workers feel better about being at work and makes it easier for them to maintain efficiency. Morale is an important issue and having a “nice” workplace helps employees take pride in their work space.
Meeting Different Requirements
Some activities require a more robust formulation of epoxy to handle a harder or heavier load. Columbus Epoxy Flooring has the technology and experience to provide customized variations to take care of virtually every type of special requirement without breaking the budget.
We know that figuring out the exact right type of floor coating can be complicated, but we will help you and your staff through the decision process and not just give you a “will fit” solution that may or may not work. We come to your location, complete a very thorough assessment and then talk to you and your staff. This helps everyone going through the education process find the solution that works best for your team and facility.